Tag Archives: marketing

Avoid these pitfalls when selecting a marketing automation platform

Avoid these pitfalls when selecting a marketing automation platform

The decision to purchase a marketing automation system is a huge benefit for any modern business. Not only will a good one help you streamline your processes and automate repetitive tasks and tasks, but it also helps with an improved communication between sales and marketing teams and helps personalize messaging to each group of customers. There […]

source Use User-Generated Content Examples to Inspire Your Marketing

source Use User-Generated Content Examples to Inspire Your Marketing Most people are familiar with UGC and how it is used by marketing teams to enhance their brand authenticity and make it more relatable. Marketers can be left scratching their heads when it comes down to creating a UGC strategy. This post will feature a variety of user-generated […]

The Best Email Marketing Software for eCommerce Businesses

According to Statista, the global number of email users will reach 4.3 billion by 2023. This is half the world’s population. That means eCommerce email Marketing can be a great opportunity for businesses to capitalize. Our team can help you, no matter if your business is small and needs to purchase your first email marketing tool or if […]