How to sell more products & services online
This is the age-old (digital) question for online businesses. How can I sell more products online? You won’t find the answer to your question if you search the internet. There are many things you can do to increase sales and engagement on your eCommerce website.
01. Make a page for every product
It’s not only a good idea to create a page dedicated for each product so that site visitors can view detailed information about it is essential. It’s a big difference between a well-presented and detailed page that includes multiple photos, variations and a clear description of each product and one with just a PayPal button. It is a huge difference.
Wix allows you to sell products. Every time you add a product to your store manager it will receive its own page. This page can be used to show off different variants (such as color, size, fabric etc.). You can also upload photos of the same product. These options are displayed prominently on the product page to make it easier for potential buyers to visualize what the product might look like.
02. Review your customers to get their opinion
Although they say you shouldn’t trust strangers, in reality we do it all the time. Customers may be reluctant to shop online if they’ve never done so before. Oddly, but thankfully, customers trust other strangers such as customers who have left reviews about your products. Studies show that online reviews are trusted more than personal recommendations by 85% of consumers. You should provide a forum for customers to leave reviews.
Simply add the Comments app once to your product page and your customers will be able to leave reviews for every product in your store. Customer reviews not only give insight into other customers who have looked at the same products but also allow you to respond to them, showing you value their feedback and further building trust with those who might be hesitant. It’s a great way for you to improve your products or implement new upgrades by asking and listening to customers.
03. Incentivize with Sales and Coupons
Everyone likes a deal. A sale campaign can be run on your eCommerce website. A discount such as this can make a huge difference in a customer’s life. It is up to the individual to distribute coupons. You can place the coupon code prominently on your website’s header or front page, send it in a newsletter or create one manually after a customer requests one.
04. Offering a simple, but flexible, checkout process
After staring at a product on a website, you add it to your cart only to abandon the purchase. We’ve all been there, no matter what the reason. This is a huge problem for online stores. However, there are things you can do to make it as easy as possible for shoppers to abandon carts. Ask for only what they absolutely need. This will help keep the layout and design as simple as possible.
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05. Amazing Product Photos
It’s 2018, and nobody has the time to take poor product photos. With tools like the Foto Studio on Wix, it’s easy to make them look amazing. Do not be content with just one shot. Take multiple photos to ensure you have more options when uploading them later. High resolution photos are important when taking photos. Again, it’s 2018. It’s 2018. People want sharp photos of your products, and the ability to zoom in. Don’t be afraid of being a pretentious, extravagant photographer. It’s just for fun. Science and fun.
We could easily write a complete product photography guide on this topic. Oh, wait. We did.
06. Optimize your Product Pages
It is obvious that this article’s primary objective is to increase product sales. Sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step back in order to move forward. Your website and your products must be easily found online. This can be done by optimizing the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), of your product pages.
You can use the Wix SEO Wiz for your entire website. However, your store products need extra attention. We have dedicated a section to SEO in your product settings. These are the key elements that you need to pay attention to in order to ensure your products appear on Google.
- Add page title and description.
- Modify your page URL.
- Your images’ descriptions: Also known as Alt text, they can improve the ranking of your images on Google Images and help you get more traffic.
- Your product description: Be very specific about how you describe it. Use the correct keywords and incorporate them into your text. Write about every feature of your product. Search engines will love your page if you’re more precise.
After optimizing your SEO settings for your products , it will be easier to find you than ever!
07. Start a blog
You have many options when you follow the SEO train and start a blog. A blog that is regularly updated with new content will get more search engine attention. This can lead to more links and a higher ranking in search engines. Blog articles are another way to boost your website’s SEO.
A blog is another great advantage. A blog is basically a podium and loudspeaker for talking about your products. This allows you to be playful and talk about products that should be included in your store’s descriptions. Blog articles such as “How to Design Your Room Around Vintage Club Chairs” can help visitors to your website get into the habit of using your products in their own homes. This takes them out of the primary consumer mindspace (buy, buy), and puts them in the home. They will be grateful for your insights, tips, and perspectives.
08. Do not forget your existing customers
It’s easy for small businesses to become too focused on new customers and not on maintaining existing customers. But it is important. You can think of it like this: Your past customers know that you are amazing. All you need to do is remind them that you love their stuff and that you have more. It’s a great way to reach out to your past customers. After they have made their first purchase, you can follow up to find out how they liked it or get their feedback. You can send them emails to continue to communicate with them via your mailing list. This will allow you to offer items at a lower price for returning customers or a general “secret sale”, complete with a coupon.
09. Social Media: Make a stir
Starting your own business will require you to market it. Social media is one of many ways to do this. At least that’s the theory. You can make your business visible on social media and allow your existing customers to find you there. Social media should be used as a professional tool, not as a place to post pictures of your food. Don’t do that with your personal accounts. Your business accounts should reflect your brand fully and communicate your brand’s tone in all posts. It’s also important to have some fun. Engage your audience, ask for their opinions and reward them with a coupon only available on Twitter (or Facebook). Followers will get a coupon that only Twitter (or Facebook) allows. It should be a place where you can communicate with your followers and get their feedback. Are you unsure where to start? This guide will show you which social networking platforms are best for your business.
Note – Social media is great for customer support. It allows you to resolve any issues that a client might have right away.
10. Get “There” for your customers and provide the information they need
Let’s be clear about one thing. An online store can be owned by anyone. If you put in enough effort and time, an opportunist could create a store that looks exactly like yours. The only way to distinguish them is the communication between the seller and the customer and the information on the website. It is important that you communicate clearly with your customers and let them know that you are available for any questions or to provide customer service.
A complete FAQ page will make it so that most customers don’t have to contact you directly. You’ve answered all their questions. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be available to your customers, but it should give you some relief in knowing that you have done your part to help them.
If your FAQ does not answer all questions of a customer, then you should give them an easy way to contact you. Although you should have contact information on your site, live chat is the best way to make sure you are “there” for customers. Wix Chat lets you know when visitors are visiting your website. You can also preemptively message them if they need any assistance, or wait for them. This intuitive and free app was installed on users’ websites . It increased their store orders by 39% . You already know what you should do.
11. Be trustworthy
It’s a good idea to be paranoid in this digital age, especially when it involves cyber security and online shopping. This makes it more difficult for new online stores with few reviews to sell more, but there are other ways to show trustworthiness beyond just being trustworthy. We have already discussed some ways to build trust, such as:
- Add your complete contact information (location, phone number, social media accounts etc.) to make it easy for people to reach you. Your website.
- A comprehensive FAQ page provides all the information you need.
- Review your products with customers
- Live chat allows you to be available on the go.
Humanizing your brand is another way to convince people to give you money. This business was actually created by you. We hope. You can remind people of this with a warm and honest About Us page. A story about how you came to be a business, your values and your work process. Also, tell the story of your commitment to customer service.
12. Neuro-Market your Products
Neuromarketing can help you increase the sales of your products. Neuromarketing is the idea that by understanding how the brain reacts to certain situations and how it works, you can use this knowledge to your advantage in marketing your products. These are some tips and tricks that you can use as an eCommerce website owner.
Make it urgent. There are two types of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), and FOMOOASD (Fear of Missing out on a Sweet Deal). Everyone loves a good deal, but they also hate missing out. It’s a terrible thought to think that you might never be able to get the product at the current price, but marketers make this a selling point by constantly promoting “Lowest Price Ever” and “You Can’t Miss This Sale!” It’s always a good idea to create a sense of urgency. It’s important to use it sparingly and frequently, and to spread the word via a newsletter or on social media.
Make it seem rare: Scarcity works. It doesn’t matter if it’s real scarcity or fake, people lose their sense of sense when there’s not enough of something. The urgency factor discussed above is activated by scarcity, but it’s on a larger scale. This tactic taps into our need for immediate gratification. These scarcity tactics are familiar to you.
You may also be interested in other ways to sell to the brain. Our Neuromarketing Tips Guide.
13. Mobile-Friendly Websites
Mobile traffic is growing rapidly, so it makes sense that your online store should be optimized to provide a great experience for small devices. Your products should be accessible anywhere and everywhere. It is important to ensure that your products are easily accessible from all the millions of smartphones that could access your site. Wix Stores supports mobile devices and can be set up immediately after it is added to your website. Your product pages are optimized for mobile. This makes it easy for customers to shop at home or while on the go. After Google’s recent mobile first revolution, SEO is a must. There you have it. These are some of the best ways to make sure your products sell online.